Tag Archives: where to buy kava

Fijian Kava

Fijian KavaFor centuries people have grown, harvested, and brewed kava for relaxation and social occasions on the Fijian islands, as elsewhere in the South Pacific. Today, you can order Fijian kava from most kava distributors, whether online or at a kava bar or store. The main island of Viti Levu is the center of Fijian kava production, although Fijians on every island consume kava. Bundles of dried kava root are a popular tourist item in Fijian marketplaces, so much so that one warehouse in Suvu is locally renowned for having an entire floor devoted to selling dried kava root.

Kava is called yaquona (pronounced “yangona”) in Fiji, and the cold brew made from the root is often referred to as grog. Fijians (usually groups of young men) will make grog by pounding sun-dried kava root into a powder that they strain through cloth into cold water in a communal brew bowl called a tanoa, carved of wood and supported on a tripod of legs. The resulting kava “grog” is drunk from a halved coconut shell called a bilo and usually followed by a chaser, a sweet or spicy snack between bowls of kava brew. Traditionally in Fiji, fresh kava root was first softened by being chewed by the young girls of a village; then the gritty material would be strained into water through the bark of the vau tree, although today cloth is used and the root is pounded instead of chewed.

Both in centuries past and today, drinking kava has been a very social activity among Fijians: at the end of the day, groups of Fijians love to gather around the tanoa, socialize, and tell stories between bowls of kava. Kava is a symbol of community in Fiji, and bundles of dried kava root tied with colorful strings are commonly presented as gifts at formal social occasions such as official welcomings, funerals, and reconciliation ceremonies. Visitors to a new village will also bring along a bundle of tied kava root (or sometimes kava in another form) as a gift.

In Fiji, kava ceremonies can be highly formal or more relaxed affairs depending on the context. Much like coffee in the West, many Fijians sip kava throughout the day to promote mental clarity and calm. In an informal Fijian kava ceremony, it usually doesn’t matter who drinks first; however, some people designate the oldest male of their group as a stand-in chief, as chiefs drank first in traditional Fiji kava ceremonies. For a more formal Fijian kava ceremony, the brewing is performed in front of a guest of honor, who sits behind a coconut rope and cowrie shell barrier called a tui-ni-buli. In times past, other participants were forbidden from crossing this barrier (under pain of death!) while the kava was being brewed. A master of ceremonies representing the guest of honor would supervise the brewing process and declare when water could be added to the root, and when the brew was satisfactorily mixed.

The cupbearer would place the first bilo of Fijian kava brew before the guest of honor, who was supposed to drain it in a single swallow, followed by the exclamation “Maatha”, or “It is drained”. At this point, participants in the ceremony would clap hands, and the main event of drinking the kava brew would begin. After the guest of honor’s first bowl, the master of ceremonies would partake of the brew, followed by the ceremony’s other participants in order of their rank. Today of course, most kava ceremonies are more informal and generally open to visitors. When attending a Fijian kava ceremony, it’s generally recommended that Western visitors dress conservatively and drink when invited to partake.

Grog sessions in Fiji usually last several hours, time enough for participants to have several bowls of quality Fijian kava. According to many anecdotal reports, Fijian kava is supposed to be especially good for its calming and sleep-promoting effects; a couple bowls can be enough to beat even persistent insomnia. Because Fiji kava is so good at calming the emotions while leaving thoughts clear, kava is a popular drink at diplomatic receptions and negotiations held by Fijian officials.

As with any variety of kava, you can tell you’ve got ahold of some good quality Fijian kava when the brew slightly numbs your lips and the interior of your mouth after you drink it: this is a sign that your mucus membranes have already started absorbing the kavalactones in the brew. If you’re game to experience a potent calming variety of kava with a vibrant history of social use, Fijian kava just might be the brew for you!

Kona Kava

Kona Kava Like the famous Hawaiian-grown Kona coffee, Kona kava is also becoming popular both in its home state and worldwide due to its smooth taste and reliable, surprisingly potent effects. Small family-owned kava farms such as the eponymous Kona Kava Farm, one of our personal favorite vendors, grow and ship kava from Kona and the surrounding area to meet demand on the Big Island, the United States and worldwide. Today, Kona kava vendors have built up a healthy reputation for having some of the most effective and palatable kava around.

Kona Kava Farm is located on the verdant slopes of the Hualalai Mountains just outside Kona, a fertile region that offers primo volcanic soil and a warm, moist microclimate conducive for growing kava. This prosperous area also has long supported growers of coffee and macadamia nuts, two other valuable Hawaiian crops. Some of the oldest family farms have a history of ownership going back generations; in some cases before the Hawaiian Islands became a United States territory. The micronutrient-rich soil of the Hualalai range is so nutritious that it eliminates the need for fertilizers and pesticides, allowing Kona kava farmers to turn out an organic product at lower cost than in other kava-growing regions.

Kona kava farmers have been providing the world with lovingly grown organic kava for years, often from plants that are decades old, which if you know your kava makes for quite a high concentration of potent kavalactones in their roots! By carefully sun-drying the lateral roots (known to be the best-tasting and most potent part of the plant), small-batch Kona kava farms have also managed to create an unexpectedly palatable version of kava: root extracts and powders from kava plants grown on Kona farmland often taste earthy and slightly sweet in our experience, with no bitterness at all. We like it fine just mixed into a little water, or milk if you prefer a richer flavor.

So, how does the kava Kona farmland turns out differ from kava grown elsewhere? Kava is thought to have originated somewhere in the Pacific Islands— possibly Vanuatu, which is often cited as the island that has the greatest diversity of kava, and also produces some of the most potent kava available. However, Hawaiian strains such as Kona kava tend to be sweeter due to the unique ratio of kavalactones found in Hawaiian varieties. Furthermore, many kavasseurs we’ve spoken to attest they find Kona kava just as potent as Vanuatu kava, as well as being a lot more palatable.

If you’ve ever been to a kava bar in the United States, or ordered from a U.S.-based vendor, chances are you’ve already had some experience with the kava kava Hawaii grows— and for some users, there’s no need to try kava from any father afield! Users often decide they prefer Hawaiian “awa” to other strains of kava because it combines a milder flavor with stronger effects than some South Pacific kava strains. While potent, Vanuatu kava can often be strongly bitter, definitely not an easy brew to swallow for a kava first-timer. Furthermore, some strains of kava may taste milder but have diminished effects: for instance, studies on Fijian kava suggest that this strain produces roots with a lower concentration of kavain and dihydrokavain, two kavalactones that play a central role in generating kava’s powerful anxiolytic action.

In contrast, with organic Kona kava, you’ll get the best of both worlds: a high-potency and palatable (even tasty!) strain of kava shipped right to you from the lush mountains of the 50th state! Whether you prefer the whole dried root, a convenient drink mix or tincture form, or even if you want to try out the ultra-potent luxury grade “waka” kava, Kona kava vendors can provide!

Where to Buy Kava Tea

Where to Buy Kava TeaAs kava has become a commodity on the global market, a proliferation of stores both online and physical have popped up offering kava in forms ranging from the whole root to kava paste to readymade packets of kava tea. However, just like with any kava product, figuring out where to buy kava tea to get the most bang for your buck isn’t always a clear cut exercise. We decided to examine some of the basics of purchasing and preparing kava tea, to give anyone who’s interesting in finding where to buy kava tea the tools to find a high quality, enjoyable, and potent product.

Of course, the obvious first step in ascertaining where to buy kava tea is finding a vendor that carries it. Due to kava’s growing popularity as a relaxing and socially stimulating beverage, many different health food companies and stores are beginning to sell kava tea as part of their lineup of herbal teas. Unfortunately, as with any market with multiple suppliers, not all kava tea brands are created equal. When you’re looking for where to get kava tea, it’s better to avoid the herbal sections of big box stores and health food stores: the quality of their kava will likely not be as high quality as a product purchased from a vendor who specializes in kava. To make the best kava tea, you’ll want to obtain kava root that is fresh and harvested from the lateral roots of plants that are least four years old, as older plants produce a higher amount of kavalactones. In general, vendors who specialize in kava will provide you with a better quality product that meets the standards above; they have to, because their business depends on selling customers kava that is potent and satisfying.

A quality source is essential when you’re looking for a good place to buy kava tea, not just to ensure yourself a satisfying experience but also for safety reasons. In the past, unscrupulous vendors looking to cash in on the kava craze sold a few people kava that contained stems, leaves and bark peelings— parts of the plant containing toxic alkaloids that landed several people in the hospital with liver damage. You definitely don’t want to be buying tea bags that contain stems or leaves! Whether you purchase kava tea in a bag or buy the ground root in bulk, you should always make sure to buy only from vendors who specifically state that they use only the kava plant’s lateral roots in their preparations. If you’re not sure about a vendor, you can also consult an independent review website to see what other customers have said about their products.

The second half of enjoying really good kava tea lies in how you prepare it. Properly prepared, kava tea can deliver all the same benefits as a cold kava infusion, including improved mood, reduced anxiety and stress, calming effects, and restful sleep. Plus you get the added comfort of relaxing with a warm beverage which you can easily flavor with honey, cinnamon, and other warming ingredients if you so desire. When it comes to making a potent and delicious tea, many people also prefer the ground root to a prepared tea bag because it’s easier to determine the freshness of the root before steeping. Furthermore, you may get better results by making a tea from the ground root because the loose material can move more freely in water, allowing for the maximum leaching of active kavalactones.

Any kava tea of good quality should have the same soothing properties as a regular cold kava infusion, and should be treated with the same respect for its potency. Make sure not to drive or do anything requiring reflexes after drinking kava tea, especially when you’re trying it for the first time. Both the cold brew and the hot tea will generally contain a similar percentage of kavalactones and should be similarly potent; in fact, the traditional cold kava infusion could even be considered a type of kava ice tea! The main advantage of hot kava tea over a cold brew is its convenience: the hot tea takes maybe a half hour to 45 minutes to steep, compared to several hours for a cold extraction.

For the curious, here’s a sample kava kava tea recipe you can use to make kava tea from scratch ingredients: using a ratio of 1 teaspoon ground kava root to 1 cup milk or water, heat the liquid until it’s hot but not boiling. (To preserve the root’s active compounds, most recipes recommend you not heat it above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, with 120 degrees considered an ideal temperature.) Pour the hot liquid over the loose ground kava root and steep the mixture for about 45 minutes, then strain the liquid into a different mug, using a coffee filter to catch the kava dregs. Drink up and enjoy the kava tea’s relaxing, anxiolytic and sleep-promoting properties. Perhaps you and some friends could get together for a kava tea party of an evening!

Buy Kava Root

Buy Kava RootAs I have discussed elsewhere on the site, figuring out the best place to buy kava root or other kava products can be incredibly confusing.  After all, you can purchase kava in a wide variety of forms, from capsules to instant drink mixes to dried root. You can buy kava root from all over the South Pacific islands, from Fiji to Hawaii to Vanuatu. You can buy all different strains of kava, old and traditional strains, and new hybrids that are supposedly more potent but that also be low quality and carry health risks. Since there are so many types of kava available to purchase online and in stores, it follows that the quality of these kava products can vary widely.  Hawaiian kava root from one vendor can be extremely high quality, organic and fresh, while kava from another vendor may be low in potency, treated with dangerous chemicals, and several years old by the time it makes it to you.  With all of these things to consider, the consumer looking to buy kava kava root online might feel confused and bewildered, unsure about what kava is the best and safest.

Fortunately, if you arm yourself with a little bit of knowledge, it will become much easier to determine if the kava root you are looking at is of high quality.  Many people want to buy pure kava root because it is the most traditional form of kava that is available over the internet. Of course, traditionally, kava root is prepared when it is fresh. In many island communities, kava is prepared daily as a ritual, and the root is prepared on the same day as it is harvested.  However, at the same time, the age of the kava root makes a big difference in potency. Roots are not mature or ready to consume until around five or more years of growth under the ground.  As time goes on, the concentration of kavalactones in the root increases, and the root grows in size and weight as well.  Most kava growers will have a few very special kava plants that are at least ten years old, if not older, which they are saving for a very special occasion, such as a wedding!

Traditionally, fresh kava root was prepared by masticating the root until it turned in to a soft pulp. The combination of certain enzymes in saliva and root matter allowed the alkaloids in the kava to leach out in to water to make a tea. Although missionaries who first came to the South Pacific islands were disgusted by this tradition, native peoples continued to chew kava because it was believed that it created a more potent drink, a belief that has actually been supported by scientific research in more recent years!

Now, for the average kava lover interested in buying kava root online, it is almost impossible to find fresh kava root available.  Unless you live on a Pacific Island and can travel to a kava farm or start your own kava garden, chances are you will be relying on dried kava root. The downside to this is that the potency is bound to be slightly less than with fresh kava root, but the upside is that you won’t have to worry about the jaw-breaking task of chewing fresh root every day, because most dried kava root comes pre-processed! Generally, when you buy kava root you want to look for kava that is of a noble strain (a strain which has been cultivated traditionally for thousands of years such as Mahakea kava or Palisi kava).  Newer hybrid strains may be more potent, but they also have not been researched or backed up by thousands of years of safe use, and it is entirely possible that they contain combinations of kavalactones that may be toxic, so it’s important to be cautious. You also want to make sure that you get kava kava root that has matured for a number of years – at least two, but three or four is even better! You also want to make sure that your kava is prepared from ONLY the root – the leaves and stems can be toxic. And, of course, it’s ideal to purchase organic kava, since that way you won’t get any unpleasant chemical surprises while seeking healing properties from this amazing plant.

Generally, we recommend that people purchase powdered kava root, as it is the easiest form of dried kava to prepare.  However, if you are looking for a bit more potency and don’t mind some extra preparation work, you can find whole dried kava root or chipped dried kava root for sale online.  Since these products have not been ground in to a fine powder, they lose potency much less quickly, meaning that if you are willing to work with them, the payoff may be worthwhile.  Dried whole or chipped kava root should be soaked in cold or lukewarm water for at LEAST 30 minutes, rather than the 5-10 minutes needed for powdered kava root, and once you’ve soaked the whole root you’ll need to spend a good amount of time and energy to extract the alkaloids from the root matter by squeezing. This is definitely a lot more work that using powdered kava root, but if you want to buy kava root that is the most authentic possible, this is the way to go!

No matter what sort of kava root you decide to go with, make sure you make an informed decision with a mind not just to the price, but to the safety and quality of the product at hand. Kava is a wonderful healer, but it can have negative effects if prepared or used improperly. If you follow the guidelines in this article and the rest of the site, though, you’re sure to buy kava kava root that will provide you with just what you need!

Where To Buy Kava

Beautiful Kava KavaThe age of the internet has brought along with it many truly amazing things, including unprecedented access to information and the ability to begin to determine for ourselves what constitutes good food, medicine, health, and so forth.  Every day, people are opening up more and more to the many options that herbal remedies offer them for self-healing.  As part of this movement, people are beginning to discover the wonderful healing properties of my favorite plant, kava (or ‘awa, as we call it in Hawaii!).  However, another aspect of the boom of the internet is that is can be confusing to figure out where to buy kava.  The purpose of this article is to provide you with some background on kava and kava production, and to provide you with the tools you will need to figure out where best to buy kava kava.

The first and most important thing to consider when buying kava is the level of quality of the kava you are purchasing.  You may have heard rumors or statements from the news media stating that kava is dangerous and that it can cause liver damage.  You may also have heard about a number of cases of kava related liver failure that occurred in Germany some years ago, which caused the EU to ban the medicine for some time. However, the essential thing to understand is that in many plants, alkaloid concentrations vary widely in different parts of the plant.

In the case of kava, the roots, specifically the lateral roots, contain the highest concentrations of kavalactones and other beneficial alkaloids.  On the other hand, the leaves and stems contain fewer beneficial alkaloids, and a great deal more toxins.  We know for a fact that the kava that was used in the German liver failure cases was prepared using kava stems and leaves.  As any native Pacific islander will tell you, you should NEVER consume the stems and leaves of kava.  So, this was a situation where tradition was disregarded in favor of profit, and the results were, as expected, awful.  With this in mind, it is VERY important that when you go to purchase kava, you figure out where to buy kava kava that has ONLY been prepared from roots, and that has been prepared primarily from lateral roots.  Ideally, you are going to want kava that is prepared using a ratio of 10% underground roots and 90% lateral roots – this will get you the most potent and the safest kava, and it also indicates that the kava is being harvested sustainably. If you are still uncertain, check out more factual information on kava safety.

Another important consideration in finding the best kava kava is the strain of kava you are purchasing.  Kava has been cultivated by man for many thousands of years, and it is generally the more traditional strains that are the safest.  After all, people have been working with these older strains for a very long time in complete safety, so we don’t need a scientific study to prove that they are safe – we already have tons of data on the subject. It is best to buy kava that is from a non-hybridized strain, such as Mahakea or Borogu.  These strains are predictable in their safety and potency, and their effects on the human body have been well documented.  Hybrid strains such as Tue Dai kava have not been so well-studied, and although these strains can be very potent, it is possible that they create unsafe combinations of alkaloids when consumed.  You want to figure out where to buy kava that is of a specific strain, which the company should specifically list on their website.

Another good way to figure out where to buy kava kava is to consider where the kava itself is coming from.  A reputable company will not only let you know what strain and root composition their kava is made from, they will provide information about the kava farm that supplies them.  One of the best things you can do when trying to buy kava online is to locate a company that sells kava direct from their own farm.  This way, you cut out the middle man, and you know that the kava is being harvested, processed and shipped out quickly.  Kava farms ship out lots of kava to various places, meaning that they have a very high turnover rate, and that if you buy kava from them, you will be sure to get a fresher and more potent product!

Finally, its best to buy kava from a company that seems to have a true connection and deep knowledge of the plant.  Like any plant medicine, kava deserves a great deal of respect as a healer and teacher.  A good kava vendor will not only be selling kava, but will provide information on the many uses of kava as a medicine and will provide contact information in case you have any questions about your purchase.  No matter where you decide to buy kava, if you follow these guidelines, you’re sure to end up with a high quality product that will provide you with just the healing properties that you desire!

If you still want to learn more about kava and its traditional use, check out the following 1998 video of a Royal Kava ceremony in Tonga.  This will give you a great feeling for the true flavor of a traditional kava ceremony!

Buy Kava Online

Beautiful Kava KavaThanks to the constantly expanding internet marketplace, it has now become extremely easy to buy kava online, as well as many other traditional plant medicines.  This is a wonderful development, as it means that many people the world over are now able to learn about and benefit from the healing effects of kava.  The downside of buying kava online, however, is that there are now so many websites that offer kava, and so many types of kava available, that it can become difficult to determine the best kava to buy! If one is looking to buy kava online, one thing that can help in the decision making process is to develop a deeper understanding of kava as a traditional plant medicine.  This will, perhaps, make it easier to understand which online companies are selling kava as a product for healing, and which online companies are just trying to cash in on a booming market.

Kava is the most important traditional plant medicine of all of Oceania.  It seems as if the use of kava spread along with the settlement of the islands in the Pacific. It has even been suggested that Polynesians colonized Easter Island in the third century because a chief had a vision when working with kava that led him there!

Europeans first became acquainted with kava through Captain James Cook and his fellow travelers, who journeyed to Polynesia in the late 1700’s.  Many islanders use kava as an everyday beverage that is consumed much in the same way that coffee or tea is taken in other parts of the world. For example, here in Hawaii, myself and many of my other family members have a cup or two of fresh traditional kava tea every day, and it’s the perfect way to unwind after a long day of work – much more relaxing than a cup of coffee, certainly!

Unfortunately, when Western settlers came to Polynesia, it was very common for Christian missionaries to persecute and forbid the use of kava.  In many places, traditional kava ceremonies were outlawed!  Kava use came to be replaced by alcohol in many island communities, leading to serious alcoholism troubles for many people.  Fortunately, in recent decades, an increase in pride in ethnic identity and a decrease in violent missionary zeal has allowed the use of kava and the kava ceremony to increase once more.  Large amounts of kava are now being consumed in many places, and this has also helped to heal the problems that alcohol has caused.

Traditional Fiji Kava | Fijian Kava

Kava has been cultivated by humans for many thousands of years, and is a truly ancient medicine.  We understand this because wild species of kava no longer exist.  This means that all of the kava plants on the planet now are where they are due to human activity.  This indicates that kava has been in use as a plant medicine since prehistoric times!

Kava can and has been used to treat many different diseases and disturbances.  Most commonly these days it is used to assist with muscle tension, anxiety, depression, and other difficulties caused by stress and tension.  However, kava has also been used for a variety of other medical reasons during its long history of use.  In Samoa, kava is used as an aphrodisiac and stimulant, and is also used extensively as an internal and external analgesic (in other words, a pain killer).  Here in Hawaii, kava is given to children in the morning and the evening if they are restless or feverish.  Apparently, kava is also given to children in Tonga to calm them down.  The leaves can also be crushed and placed directly on to poisonous stings from insect and fish, and is even used in some places as an antidote for the deadly poison strychnine!

As we can see from all of this information, kava has been an essential medicine for the peoples of Oceania for many thousands of years!  I feel that the following quote from Louis Lewin, an early ethnographer who wrote about kava, best describes how very important it is: “Kava was so intimately intertwined with the social, religious, and political life of the South Sea islanders, and was the accompanist of every peaceful or hostile undertaking of the individual or the group, for every joyful or sorrowful event of these people, that it is no wonder that the first discoverers of these islands mentioned the plant and its use, sometimes in quite considerable detail.  In addition, the magicians and physicians of the natives held it up as a medicine because it not only induced euphoria soon after it was drunk but also was able to induce even painlessness” (Lewin 1886). If you are interested in learning more about kava’s impact on culture, you can check out my blog post on the subject!

So, when you go to buy kava kava online, remember that it is not just a fashionable new herb, but a powerful ancient plant medicine that has been integral to the lives and developments of many cultures of the world! With this in mind, try to select a kava kava online vendor that seems knowledgeable and respectful about their kava.  Buying direct from a farm that grows its own kava is the best option, of course, because then you know exactly where the plant is coming from and it is more likely that those who grow the plant itself will take care in processing and packaging it.  And wherever you end up buying kava online, be sure to use it with the care and respect that such an ancient medicine deserves.  This way, you will definitely have an even more powerful experience!

For a fascinating view of traditional kava use from anthropologist Chris Kilham, check out the following video!

Buy Kava Kava

Buy Kava KavaLooking to buy kava kava can be a pretty confusing, perhaps even an overwhelming task.  There are an incredible number of websites online that sell all sorts of kava in all sorts of different forms, but finding the best kava kava can be a somewhat difficult task.  You can buy kava capsules, kava concentrates, kava powder, instant kava drinks, and many other different varieties of kava.  To make it even more confusing, you can buy kava from farms in Hawaii, Fiji, Vanuatu, and many other parts of the world.   All of these factors can make the seemingly simple task of finding the best place to buy kava kava incredibly daunting and confusing.

We know that you are looking to buy the best kava at the best possible price.  We feel that it is our responsibility to offer you only the most reliable sources of this increasingly popular plant medicine.  We have created this website as a resource for those people who are looking to buy kava online and who want to make sure that they receive only the best possible products!

The first thing to consider when looking to buy kava is what sort of products you are interested in.  As mentioned above, there are an incredible number of kava products available online.  This can be a source of confusion, but it also means that there is a kava product out there for every taste and preference, so you are bound to find one that suits you!

To begin with, of course, one can choose to buy kava kava that is extremely traditional.  Unless you live in a tropical paradise you probably don’t have access to fresh kava root, which is what is used in traditional kava ceremonies, but you can get the second best thing by purchasing dried kava root powder.  If you buy kava root powder, you can prepare it in a traditional method by placing  about two ounces of the kava powder in a muslin bag or other cloth strainer.  Place this in a bowl containing about three cups of water.  Then squeeze and knead the powder in the bag for a few minutes until the water takes on a very milky white color.  This is the most traditional method of kava preparation that you can use if you buy kava kava root powder, and it will leave you with a brew that is very effective and that will taste very similar to a traditional kava beverage.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a kava kava buy that will provide you with a quick fix when you need a boost, you may want to considering buying kava in capsule form.  You can purchase kava root powder capsules, or kava extract capsules in various potencies.  This allows you to determine for yourself what strength of kava you would like to take.  You can also purchase a capsule form of kava that has been blended with a variety of other herbs to produce a relaxing and uplifting effect.  Our favorite kava blend capsules are Kavalovetone capsules.  These capsules are a combination of dried kavalactone macerate and fifteen other wonderful herbal extracts.  These include chamomile, hops, lemon balm, passion flower, valerian, ginseng, and others!  These capsules produce a truly unique and pleasant effect, so if you want to buy kava kava in capsule form, you might want to give these a try!

Another very convenient form of kava that you may want to look in to is the kavalactone paste.  Kavalactone pastes are kava root extracts that can be extremely potent.  If you purchase a kavalactone paste, all you need to do is take one to two small, pea sized amounts, and your on your way to a relaxed and pleasant experience.  If you want to buy kava in a form that is convenient and easy to prepare, but you want something more potent than capsules, this is something to  consider!

If you want to drink your kava, but are looking for something more convenient and less strong tasting than the traditional root powder, it is possible to buy kava kava in a number of different instant kava drink mixes, chai, and so forth.  This is an extremely pleasant way to take kava.  Many kava instant drink mixes are naturally flavored, which means they taste amazing in smoothies and juices.  There are kava chai blends, which will allow you to create your own delicious, warm kava beverage.  Simply blend a few teaspoons of powdered kava chai in to a glass of lukewarm (under 105F) milk, soy milk, or coconut milk, and enjoy a spicy, delicious and relaxing beverage!  Kava instant drinks and blends are wonderful because you can mix them directly into your beverage of choice, and they allow for an incredible amount of creativity!  If you want to explore the culinary potential of kava in beverages, try instant kava drink mixes, and enjoy!

If you still want to learn more about kava, you may want to take a look at Makaira’s Kava Blog.  This blog contains a great deal of information about kava and is updated regularly.  Makaira also takes time to answer all questions left by customers on her blog, so she’s a great resource for those who are still confused about what kava to buy!